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Tea at Eleven


The Best and Healthiest for Mid-Morning

This Tea is usually consumed mid-morning during
a busy day’s work to revive the body’s energy while
refreshing mental acuity to perform more efficiently.

This tea is a made from a blend of the fine tasting
highest quality Sri Lankan Uva Broken Orange Pekoe fannings
and given an added unique refreshing bouquet of lavender flowers.
This blend offers a uplifting sweet taist, distinct to the high grown Uva reagion of Sri Lanka.

SKU: NDIT1107 Category:


The tea is made by opening each sachet of 2 grams of the
blended tea per person into a pre-warmed tea pot and boiling
with Nirj Deva Water for Tea or any other nonchlorinated water,
after adding one cup of water for the pot and one cup of water
per person. The tea in the pot is allowed to simmer for
three minutes exactly. The tea can be drunk
with milk, honey or lemon.


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